
(Barry) #1

Anchors 3301-90

Cast Steel Anchor Chain Cables 3302 - 90 1704

Rash Butt·Welded Anchor Chain Cables 3303-90 1704

Anchor Stoppers 3307-78

Anchor Stoppers (Small Size) 3310-90

Chain Stoppers 3406-90

Ship's Wire Reels 3430 - 80

Application of Wire Ropes in Ship 3433-83

Steel Wire Ropes JIS G 3525 2408

Manila Ropes JIS L 2701

Synthetic Ropes 3434-83 1141/1346
JIS L 2703-2707

Mooring Winches 32 6709-85 373017825

Windlasses 35 6714-83^4568

Warping End Profile 6482

TABLE 4.2: (Cont)

4.4 Recommended Standards

Until accepled standards are developed for all mooring equipment, safety f.actors and SWL, should be
set as given in Tablc 4.J. These recommendations are based on the basic strength criteria mentioned
above and allow for wear and lear or corrosion in service, residual stresses or const ruction d efects
during manufacture. and a degree of dynamic loading of the filling. For all fittings and equipment,
(he basic req uirement is Ihar the n tting or equipment should not suffer any perma nent deformation
when the as sociated line or lines are tensioned to their M BL. Tbe criteria for cha.in stoppers and
Srnit brackets used at SPMs and for emergency towing are modi fied 'to take account of existing
standards, wbich recognize that the actuaJ strellgtn of the as sociated ehaflllg chain, when bent around
a closed bow chock, is less than the nominal chain strength.

When selecting mooring equipment for new ships or conversions, it is recommended that the strength
criteria listed i.n Table 4.3 be specified in addition to the u u al information 00 size and materials.
Reference to a specific standard should onJy be made if all strength details are published and are in
general agreement with Table 4.3. Standard fillings of unknown strength may be specified with the
proviso that the standards are 10 be u sed as a guide to overall dimensions, materials and design
concept, but that actual scamlings must be modified, if necessary. to meet t he strength requirements
in Table 4.3. In this case, compliance with the criteria must be substantiated with deta iled calculations
and a load test for each type and size of fitting.


Unless a filling is constructed in st rict compliance with a recognised standard that speci fies design
load, safety factor and load application. a load test may be required. The load test should be
performed on one fitling of each type and size. A manufacturer' lest certificate is acceptable if the
test was \'itne~ sed by an independent autho rity (such as a Classification Society) and the witness
certificate lists all details such as teSt load, load application, dimensions of scamlings and materials.

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