
(Barry) #1

The lesl load should be applied wilh a rope of adequate slrenglh 10 allow a line tension equal 10 the
'lest load' listed in Table 4.3. Alternate arrangemems are acceptable if the t.est load is equivalent
10 the resultant load from a line application.

The load test may be performed aboard the ship afler all inslallation and structural reinforcements
are compleled. 1i is recommended thal some a. urance· as to the filling 's strenglh be obtained al an
early stage of the: ship's conslTuclion, since it is very cosily and t.ime-consuming to replace mooring
fitlings at a time dose to Ihe delivery of a new ship.


Marking of mooring fillings is required to provide ship operators with i.nformation on the SI rength
of fillings.

It is recommended thal all chain stoppers or Smjt brackels used for emergency towing be
marked with their SWL (characters al least 5 cm high formed by weld metal deposil on the
deck plate beside the chain stopper or Smit bracket).

BS MA 10 requires that oval eyeplatcs be marked with Ihe number and nominal size of the
British Standard (nominal si ze = SWL in metric tonnes).

BS MA 12 requires Iha\ bollards be marked in ['he centre of one of the caps with lile number
and nominal size of the British Standard.

BS MA 19 requires Ihat Panama-Iype fairleads be marked with the number. Iype and size of
the British Standard.

Each filljng must be clearly marked by weld bead outline with its SWL as Listed in Table 4.3, in
addit ion to any markings required by other applicable standards. The SWL is expressed in metric
tonnes (letter 'I ') and corresponds IQ the loading of the associated lioe or lines. or chain (not Ihe
resultant load which may be higher). NOle thal t.he unit 'I' is recommended rather than the technically
correct kN. since some ope·rato rs may not be folly famiJiar with the metric system and a filting may
be overloaded if 'kN' is confused wilh 't·. For double bollards the SWL should correspond 10 the
loading by a wire rope belayed in a figure·of·eight fashion near the base of the bollard.

Since the SWL does not provide information on safety factor, tesl load or line applicalion, and
marking of all data would be impractical, the ship should be provided with all additional relevant
information such as actual test load applied. geometry of load applicalion. bollard Slrengt h when
belayed by eye and rugher up on the barrel, max.imum size and MBL of applicable line or chaill. tesl
certificates, standard drawings , etc. Ideally, such information should be incorporated in a mooring
laYDlH plan available or displayed on the ship.

4.7 Recommendations for Designers

Minimum safely factors listed in Table 4.3 are based upon tb e appropriate d e ign c.riteria and loading
assumptions. and hould be incorporated in all new equipment and mooring fittings.

All equipment and fittings should be clearly marked with their SWL and design standard.

4.8 Recommendations for Operators

All damaged or defonned equipment or fittings should be treated with SUspiCion regardiog residual
strength capabilit ies and only utilized for low loads. or ideally not used at all until repaired or replaced.

[f any doubt ex! Is regarding strength capabilities or rated SWL of a filling or piece of equipment,
it should be proof·teste<!.
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