Dave Gerr - Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook-How to Design, Install, and Recognize Proper Systems in Boats

(Rick Simeone) #1

and flexible hose is used to connect to the en-
gine and any other vibrating or moving

ring to the pipe tables (Appendix B), we see
that the inside diameter of the Sched. 40,^3 / 4 in.
branch pipes is 0. 824 in. ID (inside diameter)
each. Use the following formulas to find their
cross-section areas.

Formula 4-1a. Cross-Section Area in
English Units

π(0. 824 in. ID ÷2)^2 = 0 .53 sq. in. π≈ 3. 14
0 .53 sq. in. ×4 branch pipes × 1. 1 = 2 .33 sq. in.
minimum common-rail section area

Referring to the pipe tables (Appendix B),
we see that a 1^1 / 2 in. Schedule 40 pipe has an
ID of 1. 610 in.—a bit too small. So we use the
next size up: 2 in. Schedule 40, OD 2. 375 in.,
ID 2. 067 in., as pictured in Figure 4-9.

ameter of the 26.9 mm OD × 2 .9 mm wall
branch pipes is 26.9 mm – (2 × 2 .9 mm wall) =
21 .1 mm ID. Their cross-section area is then

Formula 4-1b. Cross-Section Area in
Metric Units

π(21.1 mm ID ÷2)^2 = 349.7 mm^2 π≈ 3. 14
349 .7 mm^2 ×4 branch pipes × 1 .1 = 1,538 mm^2
minimum common-rail section area

We know that the outside diameter must
be somewhat larger than 44.2 mm. Referring to
the pipe tables (Appendix B), we calculate that
a 51 x 3.2 pipe has an ID of 44.6, which will do
nicely [51 mm – (2 x 3.2 mm) = 44 .6 mm].


APPLICATIONS Note that common-rail mani-
folds are useful in many applications. You can
employ them for freshwater systems, seawa-
ter intake (sea suction, see Chapter 17)
either attached to a sea chest or to individ-
ual seacocks, or any other application with
multiple pipes. Keep the common-rail mani-
fold approach in mind for general use.

Fuel-Transfer Pumps
The fuel-transfer pump should be self-priming
and have the flow capacity to fill the day tank
in a reasonable period of time, say under 15 or
20 minutes. In real-world installations, pumps
seldom deliver more than 70 percent of their
rated flow. Thus for, say, an 80-gallon (303 L)
day tank, you want about an 8 gpm-rated
(30 L/min.) pump (80 gal. ÷ 0 .70 = 114 gal., and
114 gal. ÷15 min. = 7.6, say, 8 gpm; or 303 L ÷
0 .70 = 433 L, and 433 L ÷15 min. = 28.8 L/min.,
say, 30 L/min.). Rotary sliding-vane pumps
meet the criteria for self-priming (at least
within 2 feet [60 cm] or so of lift, adequate for
most boats), and they’re available, rated for
continuous use with diesel fuel. Though sel-
dom critical, it’s worth considering a reversible
vane pump, which will enable you to empty
the day tank back into one of the main tanks
for cleaning or repair. Gear pumps are another
good option, particularly for larger vessels
requiring high transfer rates.
High-volume transfer pumps can gener-
ate high pressures should a blockage occur.
In the worst case, this can lead to a fuel-line
rupture and a horrendous fuel spill. Such
pumps should be protected with a relief
valve. Since you can’t have the relief blowby
spraying into the boat, the blowby should be
plumbed through a bypass line into the near-
est tank, usually the day tank. An alarm and
an automatic pump shutoff on the relief valve
complete the safety picture.
If the crew monitors the fuel transfer
carefully, they can shut off the fuel transfer
before overfilling. It is, however, too easy to
forget. I recommend that a second tank-level
sensor be installed in the day tank and dedi-
cated to the transfer pump shutoff. It should
be set up to automatically switch off the
transfer pump at about 97 percent full. A one-
time audible alarm (a few beeps, a momen-
tary ring) alerts the crew.

required common-railID 2
1,538 mm

44 .2m





required common-railID 2

section area


required common-railID 2

section area


Chapter 4: Fuel Piping and Fuel System Bonding

required common-railID 2

2 .33 sq.in.



7722 in.

Formula 4-1b.

Formula 4-1a.
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