Filmfare – July 2019

(Romina) #1
My dream
man should be
six-feet tall. He

shouldn’t be self-

obsessed rather
be passionate
about whatever
he does

The movement will make
not only the industry but
the world a safer place,”
she opines. She has a
word of caution though,
“Don’t blame the industry
alone. There are good and
bad people everywhere.
Exploitation exists
everywhere. Some people
misuse their position. Now
the law will punish them.”


he actor has had her
share of crazy fan
experiences. “One
guy stood under my
house in Hyderabad
for two-three days
around my birthday. I
spoke to him because he
had got me a rose. After
that he just didn’t move.
He said he wanted to
marry me. I had to call
the cops,” she narrates.
While there’s no dearth
of admirers, Rakul insists
she’s been single for the
past three years. “I don’t
know why I’ve been single
for the longest time,” she
shrugs. Most of the time
she remains unaware of
the male gaze. “I’m quite
oblivious of the fact that
people could be hitting
on me. I guess they don’t
because I give a ‘bro’
vibe,” she smiles. But she
has an idea of her dream
man. She says coyly, “He
should be six-feet tall. He
shouldn’t be self-obsessed
rather be passionate about
whatever he does.” „
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