Windsurf – August 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1




Our stand up paddling and windsurf-

ing hybrid, the Pure Free Windsurf, is

perfectly suited for relaxed SUP ses-

sions, but also windsurfing in lighter

winds and when just taking your first

steps with a sail in your hands.

GA have revised their iSUP range for 2019, with
two clear choices between the detailed Pure range
and the more price-pointed IQ series, including a
Wave, Free and Touring series. The Pure Free WS
lineup consists of three boards, this 10’7” being
the middle option, and each capable of being used
for windsurfing as well as SUP’ing. The two larg-
er sizes are 6” in thickness, which, combined with
the brand’s Fusion technology and new stringer
construction on the rails, is said to provide im-
pressive stiffness, even at low pressures. It comes
supplied with two plastic fins, fitting into the 10”
US boxes and fixed into place using hand-tight-
ened screws. The central fin is placed well behind
the mast foot position to provide more direction-
al stability, whereas the tail of the Free WS ta-
pers considerably to its rounded tail, making it

narrower than all the other inflatable boards here.
There is also some PVC piping fixed to the tail,
providing a hard release edge for quick water re-
lease – a feature we’ll refer back to later. Complete
with a towing eyelet and storage net on the nose,
the GA looks much brighter and eye-catching in
its new graphics, retaining the single carry handle
in the middle of the board and a linear grooved
deck pad, covering the majority of the deck.
Being 6” thick, the GA is certainly buoyant and
corky in nature, providing plenty of glide and
ease when paddled. Stand forward in the pad-
dling position and it tracks very well directionally,
the board sitting high on the water’s surface and
requiring little input from the rider to squeeze
forward. Its stiffness (even at lower than the rec-
ommended 15 psi pressure) is excellent, and com-
bined with the PVC edging, undoubtedly plays a
part in its efficiency. On long voyages the grooved
EVA provides plenty of traction, its linear pat-
tern liked by many, as it seemed to mitigate the
chance of pins and needles in the feet, which was
experienced when using others. Step back during
manoeuvres and the tail of the GA is certainly
narrower, feeling less stable than others here, yet
making it more responsive and pivotal as a result.
Ideal for all-round use in varied sea states, it will
suit most rider weights, its material quality and
construction capable of handling years of service.
Plugging a knuckle joint UJ into the GA, it was

equally comfortable and efficient in windsurfing
mode. The issue experienced on 6” thick boards
in the past was that they were easily influenced by
a strengthening wind, inducing sideways slip. Yet,
whilst the GA is 6” thick, the rearward central fin
and the PVC rail in the tail are ready to counter-
act, so rather than slipping sideways, the power
of the sail translates to forward motion instead.
With enough power delivered, the Free WS will
plane willingly, allowing the rider to play with
their stance and position
to keep the board released.
The narrower tail is also
useful when manoeuvring
as a windsurfer, stepping
back and sinking easily for
a more dynamic redirect.
Ideal for teaching younger
family members and pos-
sessing a wider wind range
than many, the GA is a great
all-round design, with an
outline and design features
that set it apart.

Volume (Quoted): 10’7”
Width: 33” Weight
(‘Naked’, Brand
Quoted): N/A

Thickness: 6”
Fittings: 2 x PE 19.5 cm /
2 x US Box 10”
Sizes Available: 10’4”,
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