on the fly using small sound shaders.
We’ve heard id uses sound shaders to cre-
ate even more variation in the frequently
repeated sound effects.
The result is that playing Doom 3 with
an above-average .1 speaker rig is truly
a religious experience. You hear the world
come alive all around you. We frequently
heard audio cues in the game that gave
us advance warning of some hellspawn’s
ambush, and the creepy-crawly tip-tip-tap
of the spider demons still gives us chills. ■
The spider produced by
the DX7-level card—a
GeForce4 MX—is not a
pretty sight. His shadow
is very simple, and the
shadows don’t interact.
Note that there are no
shades of gray in his
shadow—the floor is
either entirely black or
its normal color.
Doom 3 Tweaking Tips
Maximum PC presents 7 quick tips
for maximum performance
➤ Enable triple buffering in the OpenGL control
panel of your videocard’s display properties. This
will give you better visual quality with no loss of
frame rate.
➤ Fix the game’s nasty visual tearing and corrup-
tion by enabling VSync in the “advanced” video
options. Even if you have it enabled in your video-
card settings, the game can overrule this setting,
so it must be set in-game.
➤ If you are running dual displays, killing the sec-
ond monitor when firing up Doom 3 will drastically
increase your frame rates.
➤ Download the latest drivers for your videocard.
As an example, Lab testing has shown frame rate
improvements ranging from 10 to 20 percent using
the beta 4.9 Catalyst drivers.
➤ Open the console (CTRL+ALT+~) and type “r_
gamma 1.3” This cranks up the gamma a smidge,
making the game appear crisper and a touch
brighter, but still keeps it dark enough to remain
consistent with how it’s supposed to look.
➤ To run the included Doom 3 benchmark, open
the console and type “timedemo demo1” and be
sure to run it twice, ignoring the first score.
➤ To enable the frame counter open the console
and type “com_showfps 1”.
Doom 3: The Maximum
PC Verdict
Our take: A huge leap for 3D
engines is just a small leap for
the FPS genre
One week prior to Doom 3’s release, it
felt like the night before Christmas at
the Maximum PC oflce. We all upgraded
our rigs with beeler processors and
next-generation videocards. And with
everything benchmarked and thoroughly
broken in, we went to sleep each night
with visions of imps and cacodemons
dancing in our heads.
Once the game arrived and we began
playing, we were overwhelmed by
mixed emotions. Indeed, Doom 3 looks
absolutely amazing, and we’re pleased
to see a game actually justify the
immense amount of time we’ve spent
upgrading our systems. On the other
hand, while it’s extremely scary at times,
the gameplay follows a basic formula
that consists of wandering through dark
hallways while enemies teleport into
the room when you trigger invisible
switches. This pattern repeats itself
throughout the game’s 0-odd hours
of gameplay, and because the enemies
use the same attack methods, the only
thing that really changes is the teleport
locations. This “surprise!” formula goes
from surprising to annoying real quick.
Despite its repetitive nature, combat still
feels satisfying and, like the game itself, is
easily the most intense action we’ve
experienced on a PC in a long time. The
sensation of the weapons combined with
almost-nonstop action and .1 surround
sound put you right in the middle of a
scarily realistic environment. And although
you lght the same enemies over and over,
the tension persists as baddies leap out at
you from behind closed doors, claw at
your face, and scream and writhe as you
send them back to hell.
There’s a story in the game, but
unfortunately you’re forced to read about
it in e-mails you lnd on dead bodies,
which consequently brings the game’s
frantic pace to a crashing halt. While it’s
nice to see an id game with a story, we
can’t help but deem this a pretty lazy way
to drive a plot.
Multiplayer is also included, but out of
the box, it’s a half-baked affair. Matches
are limited to four players per map, and
only lve maps are included. As of this
writing, we’ve encountered several bugs
in the process of joining online servers.
But when we could connect, we had a
blast. The action feels as fast, furious, and
nail-biting as it did back in the old-school
days of original Doom.
And yet, despite all its maws, we
simply could not stop playing the
single-player campaign. If it weren’t for
our sore necks and frazzled nerves, we
would have lnished it in our lrst sitting.
Doom 3 is clearly the best single-player
game id has ever made. It’s just too bad
the game doesn’t bring as many new
ideas to the &PS genre as it does to the
world of 3D rendering.
Unfortunately, Doom 3’s AI is pretty basic—monsters use the same attack
methods every time you encounter them.
Incredible graphics, intense action and fun weapons.
Gameplay is repetitive and feels dated, very basic
multiplayer, and plot revealed through e-mails.
$55, http://www. doom3.com