More of Our Canada – July 2019

(sharon) #1


y creative journey unfolded as
a challenge and a blessing.
Life: It’s all in how you
look at it. I believe cre-
ativity is something that resides
in all of us. The challenge is
coming to a place in your life
where you feel confident
enough to release it and share
it with your friends, family
and “The World.”
I loved art and colouring as a
kid and that is where my cre-
ativity started. From an
empty milk carton to
empty toilet paper
rolls, nothing was



Small-town designer hits the big time at

Golden Globe’s ‘Secret Room’ event

by Heather Chapplain, Alton, Ont.


Right: Heather
and her husband,
Bud. Photo by
Pete Paterson.

38 More of Our Canada JULY 2019

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