More of Our Canada – July 2019

(sharon) #1


problems or the problems of the world—
that would have to wait for another day.
Nothing was so important that it could
ruin this little soiree.
I realized as I sat on that porch that my
life had always been somewhat compli-
cated, everything planned in advance, ev-
erything in its place and a place for every-
thing. No time to sit on a porch, no time to
stop and smell the roses. I have always
been a perfectionist and, for many years,
I’d been satisfied to dance to the very rigid
tune that played in my head. I didn’t really
know a different way.
When we left, it was evening. I felt a little
sad that this get-together was over. I had a
choice to make, return to Canada and carry
on living my scheduled life or, change it,
and spend more time on a porch, any porch
would do.
That day, I realized that things don’t
matter, people do. An ordinary porch,
wooden and well-worn, in need of a paint
job and repairs, was nothing alone, it need-
ed the love of the people who know how
important it is to have “a porch” in their
lives. Now if only that porch could talk. n

I’ll Wait for You

I’ll wait for you, my darling,
up here in the sky.

Go on, live your life, dance and laugh,
there’s no reason to cry.

I’ll wait for you, my darling,
I haven’t any place to be.

I’ll watch as you run, skip and jump,
and build memories.

I’ll wait for you, my darling,
As I smile down at you below.

You’ll have great adventures, make new friends,
make art, learn, teach and grow.

I’ll wait for you, my darling,
don’t wish life away.

Be present in the moment, enjoy where you are,
smile everyday.

I’ll welcome you, my darling,
with my eyes open wide.

When you finally come home,
and are by my side.

But until then, my darling,
I’’ll watch you from here.

I’ll blow you a heavenly kiss,
and wipe away your tears.

Remember, my sweet darling,
you’ll be with me soon enough.

But until that time has come at last,
live your best life, my love.

Kristen Culberson, Waterville, N.B.

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