Web User - UK (2019-10-02)

(Antfer) #1

50 2 - 15 October 2019

21, which manages filetransfers (FTP).
Makesure‘Inboundrule’ is selected
and, inthe right-handsidebar, click
‘Newrule...’. SelectPortandclickNext,
thentype 21 inthe ‘Specificlocal ports’
box. Onthe following page,click‘Block
the connection’, thenclickNexttwice
andgivethe rulea memorablename,
suchas‘Block incomingFTP connection
attempts’. Click Finishtoimplement
the rule.

Checksoftware and
Evenwithout internetaccess,
malicious codecan stillcause serious
harm,somake sureWindowsis
watchingout for anythingsuspicious.
Click ‘App& browser control’ and make
sure thatall three settings onthe page
are set towarn. Windowswill thenpop
up alertsif you try toinstall software
sourced fromoutside the Microsoft
Store orvisit questionablesites using
Edge, orif MicrosoftStore software
downloads dangerous datafromthe
web.Unfortunately,SmartScreen web
protectionisineffective if you’reusing
any browser otherthanEdge, but
Chrome and Firefox bothhavetheir
own built-inalternatives.
You can alsostopany software
Microsoftdoesn’t recognisebyclicking
Block beneath ‘Check appsandfiles’.
Thisdoesn’t limit you toshopping inthe
MicrosoftStore –rather, it sparesyou
havingtomake ajudgement call
becausetrusteddevelopers’ products
will stillinstall without any problems.

Run a health check
Defenderisa nativeWindows
component, soit’s familiarwith
howyoursystemshould– andshouldn’t

  • berunning, which makesit best-
    placedtospotglitchesbefore they
    become aproblem.Click ‘Device
    performance &health’, andcheck that
    eachof the fourcategories under
    ‘Health report’ has agreen tick. If any
    showa yellowwarning triangle, click
    themfor adescription of the problem
    anda linktoresources thatwill fix it.
    Notethe ‘Freshstart’ section atthe
    bottomof thispage.
    If you’rebattlinga
    stubborn problem
    you simplycan’t fix,
    thiscould beyour
    Fresh start installsa
    copyof the latest
    version ofWindows
    inits factory-fresh
    toretain your data
    settings, we’dstill
    recommend making
    a backupfirst– andtoput aside time
    for it tocomplete. Fresh start installsthe
    latestversion ofWindows, not the

version storedonyourPC’s recovery
partition,soit needs todownload
several gigabytes ofdata.

Protectyour family
Clicking ‘Family options’lets
you monitorwhatchildrenin
yourhouseholdsee and doonline,and
howlongtheyspend ontheir devices.
There are nocontrolsonthispane– just
two linksthatsendyou tothe web.The
secondof these –‘Viewdevices’ – lets
you remotelycheck thatevery device

whetherit’s yours ora child’s,isfully
patched. The one aboveit – ‘Viewfamily
settings’– isofmore interestbecauseit
gives you greater controlover howa
child’s account can beused.
You’ll firstneedtodefinewhich
accountsare for youngerusers.Onthe
machineyou wanttocontrol(whichmay
bedifferent fromthe machineyou’re
using yourself), open Settingsandclick
Accountsfollowed by‘Family &other
people’. Click ‘Adda familymember’
followed by‘Adda child’andprovide an
email addresstowhich theyhaveaccess.
Thisaccount will nowbetiedto your
own Microsoftaccount. Click ‘View
family settings’inWindowsDefender’s
dashboard onyourPC, thenuse the
Activity, ‘Screen time’ and‘Content
restrictions’ tabs inthe browser
interface tosee whatyourchild account
holders havebeenupto, dictate when
theycan log intotheir PCandspecify
whatkind ofage-rated content will be

Defender protects from potential threats,
even if they are already on your hard drive

Defender is perfectly placed to know
exactly what constitu tes a problem

Restrict the kind of content younger users canaccess
and limit their daily computer use

Windows Defender tips

If Windows Defenderis so good, then
why – you may ask– should you pay
for third-party security software?
Well, it largely comes downto tech
support (which isoften more
personable when you’re using a
paid-for product) and features.


when you install a rival virus scanner.
If you want to take a belt-and-braces
approach, download the portable
edition of ClamAV (bit.ly/clamav485)
and run it on an ad-hoc basis. It’s free
and doesn’t need to be installed on
your hard drive.

Some paid-for security tools comewith
additional extras, such as uninstallers,
password managers, VPNs and more.
Don’t run two security suites
simultaneously because they may throw
up false positives. That’s why Windows
Defender’s antivi rus tools are disabled
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