Web User - UK (2019-10-02)

(Antfer) #1
Weekend Project

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16 October


On another PC inyour network,
open theweb br owser and enter
the IP addressfor your server.
The login screen appears.You can
change the language here.^1 Enter
adminas the username^2 and
openmediavaultas the password.^3
ClickLogin^4 and the dashboard


This screentells you about the server

(^1) and the services that are enabled
and running.^2 Clicking the Home
button^3 givesyou ac cess to the system,
storage, access rights management,
services, diagnostics and information
options. Clicking the arrow at the top^4
displays the same options in a sidebar.^5
General Settings^1 lets you adjust
the auto-logout time^2 and enable
a secureweb connection (HTTPS).^3
You can add Plugins^4 and change
your hostname and domain under
Network.^5 Go to Storageto manage
any hard drives,^6 and add and
manage sharedfolders underAccess
Rights Management.^7
MINIWORKSHOP|Configure Openmediavault’s essential settings
network. Click Enable, then save and
apply it. Now click Sharesat the top, and
Add. Enter the sharedfolder name and
enable anyrequired settings. Make sure
‘Enable permission inheritance’ istoggled
on, then save and apply the changes.You
will now be ableto access the foldersyou
crea ted through the Network section in
Windows File Explorer.
Add plugins to Openmediavault
Openmediavault supports plugins, soyou
can addextra tools to the software. Click
Plugins in the left-hand sidebar and
install any that takeyour fancy. There are
(at the time of writing) only nine plugins
available, butyou can add more.
Open a new browser tab and goto
omv-extras.org. Click Guidesto see the
steps requiredto install the omv-extras
plugin.There’s no linkfor OMV 5x but
you can get the file from GitHub (bit.ly/
omvpl485). The downloaded file can be
installed via the Plugins section in the
web interface. Click the Upload button,
then click Browse and locate the saved
‘.deb’ file. Click OK. Once uploaded, the
new plugin is listed, thoughyou ma y
needto refresh the page. Select it and
click Install.You’re promptedto reload
the Dashboard afterwards.
A new OMV-Extras section appears
in the sidebar. Select this and, under
General Settings, enable theTesting and
Extrasrepos (you can also install and
enable Docker andPortainer ifyou wish).
Checkfor new plugins andyou’re
presented with a much longer list.
The backup and downloader plugins
are well worth enabling.
Install Openmediavault
on aRaspberryPi
The Raspberry Pi is avery affordable,
highly flexible, barebonescomputer.
If you ha ve one, you can install
Openmediavault on it because the
software is based on Debian Linux, which
is the same operating system that
Raspbian – the Pi’s mainOS – is also built
on. You can thenconnect a USB driveto
the Pifor your storage.
There are dedicated Pi images (for
Openmediavault 4,at the time of writing)
availableto download from SourceFo rge
(bit.ly/ompi485). Sa ve the ‘.img.xz’ image
file to your hard drive, then write itto an
SD Card using balenaEtcher. Slot the SD
Card intoyour Pi and boot into it. It takes
a whileto finalise the process, so be
patient.When you’ve gone through the
setup,attach your storage andconnect
to your network.
The website says that the image file is
compatible with Raspberry Pi 2B, 3B and
3B+, butwe’ve tried it with the Raspberry
Pi 4 and itworked just fine. Make sure
you use the OMV_4Raspberry
Pi_2_3_3Plus_4.img.xz(or ne wer) file.
You can access your sharedfolders directly in File Explorer on any
computer on the network
Expand Openmediavault’s capabilitiesby downloading and
installing plugins
4 3 1

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