Web User - UK (2019-10-02)

(Antfer) #1
Readers’ Tips

Use AI to complete
your writ ing

Refreshthe look of
your phone with new

Send yourtips [email protected]– win aWeb User Back Issues disc! 2 - 15 October 2019^71


Disableunwanted gaming
I read online thatstopping theGame Bar
from running can speed upyour PC but
I can’t say I’ve noticed much difference.
Still, if you don’t play games onyour PC,
why have the gaming services enabled?
Open the Settings app, goto the
Gaming section and turn off theswitches
for ‘Record game clips’ in the ‘Game bar’
section, ‘Record in the background’ in
Captures and ‘Record audio’ in
Jo Marks, via email


Getall the phone wallpapers
you need
I’m sick of the defaultwallpapers that
came installed onmy phone. In
desperation, I tried all sorts of otherways
to liven it up–
from NASA images
on dailyrotation
to myown
personal photos–
but nothing beats
the 4KWallpapers
app (bit.ly/
As its name
suggests, most of
the images are in
4K, so they look
super-crisp onmy
Samsung device.
You can choose
your favourite
wallpaper orforce
it to update at set
times, and with
new wallpapers
addedevery day, you’ll likely never see
the same ones twice. You caneven tweak
themby adding blur and changing the
contrast,to make them more personal.
Kiera Bridges, via email


Control YouTube videos with
your mouse
If you want a seamlessway to co ntrol
YouTube videos, Irecommend Mouse&

Video – a browser tool for Firefox (bit.ly/
mousevideo485). It overlays your video
with invisible dividers that perform
different functions depending on where
you ho ver and scroll.For example,to
switch to full screen, move the cursorto
the top-leftcorner and scroll the wheel;
to jump backward s or forwardsby ten
seconds, move the cursorto the bottom-
right and scroll the wheel up or down.
Henry Piper, via email

Revealhidden Android games
To access hidden games in Android,
openyour phone’s Settings and goto
About Device, Software Info. The menus
will vary depending onyour device, but
whenyou find the AndroidVersion,keep
tapping it (maybe a dozen times?) until
something happens.
On Android7, a big N appears on the
screen. Pull down from thetop to show

all the icons and tapEdit. Drag the catto
the row of iconsat the top, then exit Edit
and tap the cat. On Android 8you geta
largeO. Tap it repeatedly, then long-
pressto show an octopus.Weird!
AndrewTaylor, via email

Let a robot finish your
We often hear about how advanced
artificial intelligence and machine
learning is. Now, you can try it out
yourself. Goto ‘Talk to Transformer’
(talktotransformer.com) andstart typing
anything –a
sentence, a story,
or even justyour
name. Press
and thewebsite’s
OpenAI language
completes the
rest of your
sentence, creating
paragraphs oftext
one word at
a time”. It can be
a bit hit and miss,
but it’s always interesting.
Joshua Chung, via email

It’s a good idea to disable Windows
featuresyou never use

Control YouTube videos using Mouse &
Video for Firefox


Have you managedto fix a PC-related disaster?
If so, please sendyour [email protected]

I’ve never liked theWindows
10 lock screen, which seems
designedto slow me down.
I know it’s a security measure
but, frankly, there’s nothing
worth stealing onmy
computer. I discovered a
Registry hackto disable it
permanentlyby opening the
RegistryEditor and goingto:
Next, I created a DWORD
(32-bit)Value and named it
NoLockScreen. After setting
the value to 1, I restartedmy
now lock-freecomputer.
Unfortunately – andregularreaders
may know where this is going –my
grandson got onto thecomputer and

Turn off the Windows lock screen


‘accidentally’ bought someFortnite
coins on Amazon.Less on learnt.The
lock screen is now back in place.
David Hawking, via email

You canswitch off your lock screen with a
Regist ry tweak – but shouldyou?
Free download pdf