hen I started out in this gig I spoke about my
philosophy regarding cars and how they should
be used. My theory is that—aside from show cars
and rare pieces of history that can’t be replaced—our
cars need to be driven to be fully enjoyed. I even had the
chance to use my favorite quote, “A ship in port in safe,
but that’s not what ships were made for.” The same is true
of our cars. Leaving it in your garage is the safest bet, but
where is the joy in that? But, enjoying your car on the
road or the track does up the risk factor. Drive it hard
and that risk ratchets up, but for many so does the joy
that their Chevy brings them.
The feature on Dave Wallace’s badass 1969 Camaro is in
this issue. The car is stunning, and it was built to go really
fast, safely. Well, Dave’s ship
hit a pretty big storm at a
high-speed, standing mile
event. As you can see by these
pics, his Camaro was more
than a bit roughed up. As
Dave told us, “I was competing
in a standing mile shootout
when this happened. The
previous run was a test/
shakedown run used to get the
feel of the highway, and the
wind blowing. I ran 196 mph
and the car was stable and felt good. I’m pretty positive it would
have gone in the 210/220-mph range. The next run something
happened right after the 2-3 shift. The car took a hard right at
about 140 mph and down into a ditch. It caught some air, I was
told 15 feet of it, and then proceeded to roll eight times. With a
well-built ’cage and safety gear I was able get out under my own
power and walk away with very minor injuries.”
As a testament to the quality of his safety gear, the ’cage
suffered no visible damage and the Fuel Safe cell kept the gasoline
contained. All of the safety gear, from his helmet to his harness
system, let Dave walk away from what was a very serious crash.
So, like I’ve said before, buy your safety gear like your life depends
on it, because it does.
So, what’s Dave’s plan now? “We’re going to rebuild the car
better than before. While [the car is] down, we also plan on doing
follow us!
Rough Seas
The harder you drive your
Chevy the higher the reward,
but the risks go up as well
By Steven Rupp + Photography by Allison Schneider of A&P Productions
some safety videos and gather data to help people
build safer cars!” When you dare big you some-
times get slapped down. It’s just the potential cost
of admission. Big Red has been nearly destroyed
several times, but it always come back better than
before and ready to tackle the next patch of rough
water. Dave’s Camaro will be back as well and the
joy it brings him when he’s running it hard will be
worth every bit of the risk.
“ It caught some air,
I was told 15 feet of it,
and then proceeded
to roll eight times. With
a well-built ’cage and
safety gear I was able
get out under my own
power and walk away
with very minor injuries.”