Super Chevy – October 2019

(Barré) #1

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oncept cars have always had a way of generating excitement amongst the public

when being presented by auto manufacturers. This held especially true from the ’40s

to the ’60s when the Big Three would present their futuristic concepts at new car

shows. There were also the exclusive General Motors Motorama events where one can only

imagine the buzz generated on the show floor in 1954 when GM pulled the curtains to unveil

their latest concepts revealing their presentation of the “Cars of the Future” exhibit. That year

Harley Earl’s designers focused on their brilliant concepts of the Chevrolet Corvette, Nomad,

and Corvair, each one dazzling in its own right. Showcased on the floor of the Waldorf Astoria

Hotel in New York, the trio of cars easily captures the public’s attention.

Tom Cochran’s ’55 Chevy Nomad

blends stance and style

Story Chuck Vranas (^) + Photos the Author

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