Yachting Monthly – September 2019

(Sean Pound) #1



An army veteran, who has found solace
from post-traumatic stress disorder in sailing,
is appealing to YM readers to help find him
a yacht so he and his daughter can start a
new life in Cornwall, where he has done
much of his sailing. The veteran, who wants
to remain anonymous, is working towards
his Yachtmaster with the charity Turn to
Starboard. He is looking for an unwanted
boat. Email [email protected]
if you can help.

Army vet’s sailing

dream appeal

The artist inspired by being afl oat




Bradley says he is ‘really happy’ when on the water

As well as the usual sailing and safety gear,
Christine Callum McInally always ensures
that she never goes cruising without her
easel and paints.
The artist regularly sails the west coast
of Scotland, as well as further afield, in her
Sweden Yachts 37, Haersa, returning again
and again to paint the ‘amazing vistas’.
‘Sailing is a real elemental experience:
wild, windy, wet or baking hot. The exposure
to the expanse of the sea lifts the spirit.
Where land, sea and sky connect, beautiful
shapes of coast reveal themselves. It’s all
so inspiring! I want to express in my painting
how I feel about this remote and beautiful
world which not everyone is lucky enough
to be part of,’ she told YM.
Christine, who sails out of her home
on the Black Isle peninsula in the Scottish
Highlands, studied Illustration and
printmaking at Duncan of Jordanstone
College of Art in Dundee before going
on to teach. The full-time painter said some

Send your sailing gossip,
diary dates, cruising
news and club or owners’
association updates
to Katy Stickland
[email protected]

He has only been sailing for a year, but
Bradley Pedrick, 11, has his hopes set on
becoming a Paralympic sailor, and has now
been given a helping hand to achieve this.
Bradley is the 2019 winner of the Panerai
Challenger Trophy, awarded to young
people who overcome physical, economic
or social challenges to achieve significant
milestones in their sailing or windsurfing.
At the age of three, Bradley had to have his
leg amputated below the knee due to a rare
condition, and continues to undergo revision












ABOVE: Tarbert
Harbour, Loch
Fyne, oil
on canvas

RIGHT: Christine
paints many
scenes while
cruising the west
coast of Scotland

surgery. He has also had kidney surgery and
recovered from serious burns in an accident
Bradley receives a £5,000 grant towards
his sailing development and Polkerris Beach
in Cornwall, where he learnt to sail, receives
£10,000 to purchase new sailing and
windsurfing equipment.

What type of outboard would I need to push
a Virgo Voyager along in calm waters? Wansworth
I’d say a bare minimum of a 6hp four stroke if you
want to still be able to lift it in a reasonably
manageable way. Shaunksb

I plan to buy a boat here and take it to the Med via the
French canals. The ‘charted’ depth of the canals limits
one to a draft of 1.8m but apparently, that varies. Is a
1.8m boat likely to make it through? Sea_Spray
A lifting keel would be the answer for me. A Feeling 39
or 44 come to mind. Sandy

We’ve got blue tits nesting in the boom. Guess we’ll
sit out and delay launching and wait for the young
to fly the nest. RogerJolly
Next door boat to us in Preveza had this. We
now use a piece of sponge to block access to the
end of the boom. duncan99210

Turn to Starboard
is providing
training for
the veteran

To share your view, pose a question or discuss other topics, go to the Yachting Monthly Scuttlebutt at http://www.ybw.com/forums

wild flowers picked while ashore’.
More of Christine’s painting can be seen
at: http://www.christinecallummcinally.com.

of her favourite subjects to paint include
‘beautiful yachts, quirky little harbours,
islands, rocky anchorages and wonderful


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