Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

6. A King with an Edifice Complex (22:13-17)

22 13 Woe to him who builds his house without righteousness
and his upper rooms without justice
He makes his fellow serve tor nothing
his wages he does not give to him

(^14) Who says, 'I will build for myself a house of dimensions
with spacious upper rooms'
And he frames for himself windows"
and panelsb in cedar
and paints in vermilion
(^15) Are you a king because you compete in cedar?
Your father-Did not he eat and drink
and do justice and righteousness?
Then it went well for him
(^16) He prosecuted the case of the poor and needy
then it went well
Is not that knowing me?
-oracle of Yahweh
(^17) Indeed your eyes and your heart are on nothing
except your cut
and for shedding innocent blood
and for practicing oppression and running.
The present verses form the centerpiece oracle in a rhetorical structure com-
prising 22:6-23 (see Rhetoric and Composition for 22:6-9). Most commenta-
tors extend the unit to v 19, which includes Jehoiakim's judgment after the
present indictment. However, vv 18-19 form a separate oracle (Duhm; Car-
roll). In the larger rhetorical structure the present oracle and the one following
are intentionally juxtaposed, connected by the following catchwords:
v 13 woe vl8 woe(4x)
The upper limit of the unit is marked by a petubah in 4QJerc (reconstructed;
Tov 1997: 190) and a setumah in MA, ML, and MP before v 13. 4QJer" as recon-
structed lacks this section. The lower limit is marked by a setumah in 4QJerc
(reconstructed; Tov 1997: 191-92), MA, and ML after v 17. After this verse, MP
has a petubah.
'Reading MT ball6nay as an abbreviated plural (see Notes).
"Repointing the passive participle sapiln to the infinitive absolute sap6n (see Notes).

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