Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
xii Preface

In 1998-99 I was privileged to be a member of the Center of Theological
Inquiry in Princeton, N.J., which made possible a year of research and writing
in the collegial environment of another fine research institution adjacent to
Princeton Theological Seminary and its excellent Speer Library. New Cove-
nant Research, Chicago, supported return visits to the Albright Institute in
1999-2000 and 2000-2001, as well as a part-year stay at Clare Hall, Cambridge
during 2000-2001. To supporters of this valued foundation I express deep
thanks. In 2002 I was awarded a senior research grant from the Fulbright-
Kommission to spend the grant period at Universitat Ttibingen, which en-
abled me to complete in Germany what I started there fourteen years earlier
at Universitat Marburg. My thanks to Professor Bernd Janowski for being the
kind and generous host he was during my Tu bingen stay. The libraries of this
fine German university also greatly facilitated my work. Kind thanks go as well
to the Executive Director of the Fulbright-Kommission, Dr. Georg Schutte,
and to Program Director Dr. Reiner Rohr for the privilege once again of being
part of an organization known not only for its commitment to solid academic
research, but the creation of better understanding and goodwill among na-
tions of the world.
Thanks once again to my editor, senior colleague, and valued friend, David
Noel Freedman, with whom I spent the fall and winter of 2002-2003 as a Vis-
iting Scholar at the University of California, San Diego, getting the manu-
script of these two concluding volumes ready for the publisher. Professor
Freedman's careful reading of the manuscript, corrections, and judicious edi-
torial comments added substantially to the final product, and I gladly acknowl-
edge my enormous debt to him for all of this and more.
Excursus IV on the "New Covenant in the Literature of Judaism, Including
Qumran" and Excursus Von "The New Covenant in the New Testament and
Patristic Literature to A.O. 325" are reproduced here with minor change from
my "New Covenant" article in the Anchor Bible Dictionary ( 4: 1089-94) and
are reprinted with permission from Doubleday.
Finally, my thanks once again to the fine editor at Doubleday, who saw these
latter volumes through to publication. Would that every author were privileged
to have an editor as able and pleasurable to work with as Andrew R. Corbin.

Jack R. Lundbom
Universitat Tu bingen, 2002
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