Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

Berridge 1970: 181), of which there are many examples in chaps 11-20. Jere-
miah then is speaker of the confession and Yahweh speaker of the two oracles
(Weiser; Rudolph; Holladay). Yahweh is not the speaking voice in v 11 (pace
Kraus 1964: 29; Bright; Boadt). The whole is a familiar Jeremiah-type dialogue,
where Jeremiah unburdens himself to Yahweh, and Yahweh answers him by
divine oracle-here two oracles, one indicting the prophets, the other judging
them. Berridge ( 1970: 181-83) thinks the dialogue actually occurred in reverse
order, i.e., Yahweh first gave his indictment and judgment, and then Jeremiah
lamented in response to Yahweh's "holy words" (v 9c). But according to this
view, the lament goes unanswered. This reconstruction appears to read more
than is necessary into the "holy words" of the confession, which could refer to
any divine pronouncement. The term "words" (dibre) could even be the
"words of the covenant" (dibre habberft) contained in Deuteronomy 1-28
(Deut 28:69[Eng 29: l ]; cf. 1:1 ). Additionally, the usual order in Jeremianic dis-
course is first the confession, then the divine answer.
Jeremiah's confession is well ordered with repetitions, balancing terms, and
a concluding couplet, similar to those appearing in 4:26 and 25:38:

My heart ........................

all my bones ......................

............ like a man ..........

and like a mighty man ..............

before Yahweh
and before his holy words

lib bf
mippene yhwh
umippene dibre qodso


The oracle following is also nicely structured, having these repetitions and bal-
ancing key words:

II Indeed ........... v 10

......... the land

III Indeed ......... the land .....

· · .. · .................... evil

IV Indeed even................. v 11

even ..........................

Even .........................

..................... their evil

The confession is linked to the first oracle by the following repetitions:

I have become... hayftf ... v9
... and like a mighty man ... ... ukegeber
before ..... mippene ...
and before ...... umippene ...
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