Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
Jeremiah 21-36: A Translation

(^12) Therefore their way shall become to them
like slippery ground in thick darkness
they shall be pushed and fall upon it
Indeed I will bring evil upon them
in the year of their reckoning
-oracle of Yahweh.

  1. Tale of the Evil Prophets (23:13-15)
    23 13 Now in the prophets of Samaria
    I have seen a foolish thing:
    They prophesied away by Baal
    and led my people Israel astray

(^14) But in the prophets of Jerusalem
I have seen a horrible thing:
Committing adultery and walking by the lie
they even strengthened the hands of evildoers
so that no person turned from his evil
All of them have become to me like Sodom
and her inhabitants like Gomorrah.
(^15) Therefore thus said Yahweh of hosts concerning the prophets:
Look I will feed them wormwood
and will make them drink poisoned water
Because from the prophets of Jerusalem
pollution has gone forth to all the land.

  1. Prophets with a Vision of Their Own (23:16-17)
    23 16 Thus said Yahweh of hosts:


Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you; they make
you nothing; a vision of their own heart they speak, not from the mouth of
Yahweh,^17 continually saying to those who spurn me, 'Yahweh has spoken,
"It will be well for you"'; and to everyone who walks in the stubbornness of
his heart they say, 'Evil will not come upon you.'

  1. Prophets without Portfolio (23:18-22)

23 18 For who has stood in the council of Yahweh?
then let him see and let him hear his word!
who has hearkened to my word and heard?

(^19) Look! the tempest of Yahweh
wrath goes forth

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