Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1




Oracle III (Hananiah) Even so will I break the yoke of
Nebuchadnezzar, king of
Babylon, within two years' time
from upon the neck of all nations
Narrator concludes: "And Jeremiah the prophet went his way"
Narrator reports that the word of Yahweh came to Jeremiah at
a later time; directive given to go and speak to Hananiah
Oracle IV (Jeremiah) Yoke bars of wood you have broken,
but you have made in their place
yoke bars of iron
Oracle V (Jeremiah) A yoke of iron I have put upon the
neck of all nations; they and the
beasts will serve Nebuchadnezzar
Narrator reports Jeremiah's discreditation of Hananiah:
"Yahweh has not sent you, and you, you have made this
people trust in a lie"
Oracle VI (Jeremiah) I will send you away from off the face
of the earth; this year you will die
Narrator reports that Hananiah died two months later, in that

(v 11 b)
(v llc)

(vv 12-13a)

(v 13b)

(v 14)

(v 15)

(v 16)

(v 17)

Hananiah's first two oracles are tied together by an inclusio, noted by Weiser
as a repetition at the beginning and end of his speech. The inclusio inverts its
key phrases, as noted by Keown et al.:

I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon. Within two
years' time I will bring back to this place ...

II ... I will bring back to this place ... for I will break the yoke
of the king of Babylon

VY 2-3


In Oracle III, Hananiah repeats with slight change the substance and wording
of Oracle I:

III ... will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon,
within two years' time ... v l lb

It has been widely noted that Hananiah uses the same messenger formula,
some of the same language ("so will I break"), and the very same symbolic ac-
tion used by Jeremiah. Now we see that the prophet from Gibeon employs the
same rhetoric that Jeremiah employs.
Jeremiah's defense has an inclusio made up of cognate terms, which is noted
but in a different manner by Lys ( 1979: 467-68):

Amen! ...
... truly



Jeremiah's speech when he was on trial also contained an inclusio (see

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