Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

Deuteronomy and Jeremiah (see Note for 25:5). See particularly 3:18, which
states that Judah and Israel will come from their respective exiles in the north
and be reunited in the land given to the fathers.
and they shall possess it. Hebrew wfresuha. The LXX has kai kurieusousin
autes ("and they shall rule over it"). The language of MT (yrs, "to possess")
reproduces the language of Deuteronomy and is probably the better read-
ing. Aquila and Symm have kai kleronomesousin (auten), "and they shall
possess (it)."


The audience is told here that Jeremiah received a divine word from Yahweh
to write all the words now specified by him on a scroll. An oracle to the people
follows, in which Yahweh says that days are coming when he will restore the
fortunes of both Israel and Judah, here called "my people," and will bring them
back to the land given to their ancestors, and they will possess it.
Since this divine directive with its lead oracle is made an introduction to the
first Book of Restoration (chaps. 30-31 ), a date for both must be after the de-
struction of Jerusalem. Holladay's date of 588-587 B.C. is a bit early. I would
suggest the time of the Mizpah sojourn, i.e., 586 to 582 B.C.
When the present oracle and other hopeful prophecies following are heard
after the main letter to the exiles and the concluding oracle in chap. 29, the
hope expressed in 29: 10-14 and 3 2 will serve to lead into them.

2. Yahweh Waits to Be Gracious (30:4-31:22)

a) A Time of Distress for Jacob (30:4-7)

30 4 And these are the words that Yahweh spoke to Israel and to Judah:

(^5) For thus said Yahweh:
A sound of fright we have heard
terror, and no peace
(^6) Ask, would you, and see
if a male can bear a child?
So why do I see every man
his hands on his loins, like a woman in labor?
and all faces turned deadly pale?
(^7) Woe! For great is that day
tliere is none like it
Yes, a time of distress it is for Jacob
and from it shall he be saved?

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