Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

26 Jeremiah 21-36: A Translation

and I will make them glad from their sorrow

(^14) And I will saturate the soul of the priests with abundance
and my people with my goodness will be sated
-oracle of Yahweh.
j) Rachel Weeping in Ramah (31:15)
31 15 Thus said Yahweh:
The voice of lament is heard in Ramah
bitterest weeping
Rachel is weeping over her sons
she refuses to be comforted over her sons
because they are not.
k) Rachel, Don't You Weep No More! (31:16-17)
31 16 Thus said Yahweh:
Restrain your voice from weeping
and your eyes from tears
For there is a reward for your labor
-oracle of Yahweh-
and they shall return from the land of the enemy
(^17) And there is hope for your future
-oracle of Yahweh-
and sons shall return to their territory.

  1. Ephraim Heard Rockin' in Grief (31:18-19)
    31 18 1 can indeed hear
    Ephraim rockin' in grief
    'You disciplined me and I was disciplined
    like a young bull not trained
    Bring me back so I may come back
    for you are Yahweh my God
    (^19) For after my turning away
    I repented
    And after I came to understand
    I hit upon my thigh
    I was ashamed and also disgraced
    for I bore the reproach of my youth.'
    m) But I Still Remember Ephraim (31:20)
    31 20 Is Ephraim my dear son?
    Is he the child of delight?
    For more than all my speaking against him

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