Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1


of the same sort occurs in 1:13, which does not make an artificial connection.
Compare also 13:3. Chapter 33 completes the Book of Restoration (30-33)
with the phrase, "I will surely restore their fortunes" (v 26Q), which makes an
inclusio with a matching phrase in 30:3.
The eight oracles are arranged in two groups of four, just as in chap. 32. In
the first group are two single oracles, vv 2-3 and vv 6-9, then a pair of similarly-
structured oracles, vv 10-11 and vv 12-13. Oracles I and II are received prior to
the fall of Jerusalem; Oracles III and IV after the fall. In the second group are
two single oracles, vv 14-16 and vv 17-18, then a pair of similarly-structured
oracles concluding the collection and also the enlarged Book of Restoration,
vv 20-22 and 25-26. Oracle Vin vv 14-16 repeats the oracle in 23:5-6 with
little change. The eight oracles with their balancing formulas and key phrases
are the following:

Expect Great and Hidden Things vv 1-3
And the word of Yahweh came to Jeremiah v I
a second time ...
Thus said Yahweh ... v2

II Healed City, Healed People vv 4-9
For thus said Yahweh, God of Israel ... v4
Look I am going to bring ... v6

III The Return of Joyful Sounds vv 10-11
Thus said Yahweh: v 10
Again it shall be heard in this place ... 'It is 11
waste, without human and ... beast' ...

... said Yahweh v 11

IV The Return of Pastureland vv 12-13
Thus said Yahweh of hosts: v 12
Again there shall be in this place of waste,
without human or beast ...

... said Yahweh v 13

v A Righteous King in a Righteous City vv 14-16
Look, days are coming-oracle of Yahweh ... v 14
In those days and at that time ... v 15
a Shoot of righteousness ... and righteousness ...
In those days ... v 16
'Yahweh is our righteousness'

VI Davidic and Levitical Lines to Continue vv 17-18
For thus said Yahweh:
There shall not be cut off for David a man ... v 17
And for the Levitical priests, there shall not v 18
be cut off a man ...
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