Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

rebelled against me.^9 And it shall be to me a joyful name, a praise, and
a glorious decoration before all the nations of the earth who shall hear
all the good that I am doing to them; they shall tremble and they shall
shake on account of all the good and on account of all the peace that
I am doing for it.


MT 33:4-9 = LXX 40:4-9. The present verses contain a restoration oracle for
Israel and Judah focusing on Jerusalem and its inhabitants (vv 6-9). Preceding
it is an expanded messenger formula giving background for the oracle (vv 4-5).
The unit is delimited at the top end by a petuf:zah in MA and a setumah in ML
and MP before v 4. Delimitation at the bottom end is by a setumah in MA and
ML and a petuf:zah in MP after v 9.
The oracle can be assigned to Jeremiah, who received it while confined to
the court of the guard (see Rhetoric and Composition for 33:1-3). The oracle
begins with the familiar Jeremianic hinenf ("look I") with a participle (see
Note for 1: 15) and is structured in such a way that Jerusalem and its inhabitants
are spoken of at beginning and end. In the center is a promise to Israel and
Judah that their fortunes will be restored and that a remnant of each will be
built up and cleansed of its sin:

City of Jerusalem: Look I am going to bring to it (lah) new flesh v 6

Jerusalem's People:

and healing
and I will heal them (urepa>tfm) and I will reveal
to them (!ahem) the sweet smell of peace and

Fortunes of Israel and Judah: And I will surely restore the fortunes of Judah v 7
and the fortunes of Israel
Israel and Judah's People: and I will build them (ubenitim) as at first. And v 8
I will cleanse them (wetihartfm) from all their
iniquity «aw6nam) ... and I will forgive all their
iniquities «aw6n6tehem) by which they sinned
(f:zatif1u) against me and by which they rebelled
(pase<a) against me

City of Jerusalem:

Jerusalem's People:
City of Jerusalem

And it shall be (wehayetil) to me a joyful
name ...

... all the good that I am doing to them ('otam)
... all the peace that I am doing for it (lah)


The term "peace," which is desired particularly for Jerusalem, the "city of
peace," makes an inclusio for the oracle:

... the sweet smell of peace (sal6m) and security
... all the peace (hassal6m) that I am doing for it

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