Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
More on Restoration and Covenants (33:1-26) 541


MT 33:17-18 = LXX 0. This oracle is delimited at the top end by an open-
ing messenger formula in v 17, before which comes a setumah in MA, ML,
and MP. 4QJerc, upon reconstruction, also has a setumah there (Tov 1997:
181, 200). Delimitation at the bottom end is by a petu"f:zah in MA, MP, and
4QJerc upon reconstruction (Tov 1997: 200) and a setumah in ML after v 18.
On the absence of these verses in the LXX, see Rhetoric and Composition
for 33:14-16.
This oracle promises a continuation of Judah's royal and priestly lines, for
which reason many commentators deny it to Jeremiah and date it in the post-
exilic period (see Rhetoric and Composition for 33:14-16). But a postexilic
date is not required; the oracle need only postdate the fall of Jerusalem. If Jere-
miah did not speak it, then someone else has announced in Yahweh's name
that these lines would continue despite the calamity of 586 B.C.


33:17. There shall not be cut off for David a man who sits upon the throne of the
house oflsrael. The wording of this promise and the one following in v 18 is vir-
tually the same as in the promise to the Rechabites in 35:19. The two promises
are rooted in the unconditional covenants given to David (2 Sam 7:12-16) and
Phinehas (Norn 25:11-13). See also Sir 45:23-26. On the Davidic covenant,
see also 1 Kgs 2:4; 8:25; and 9:4-9, where it is made conditional on Solomon's
obedience to the commandments. The various OT coveuauls ate <liscusse<l in
Notes for 11 :2 and 32:40.

  1. And for the Levitical priests, there shall not be cut off a man from before me
    who brings up the burnt offering and who burns the cereal offering and who
    makes sacrifice-all the days. This is a stark reversal of Jeremiah's earlier words
    in 6:20; 7:21-22; and 14:12. But in the Restoration, Yahweh "will saturate the
    soul of the priests with abundance" (31:14), and the whole people shall be
    called "priests of Yahweh" (Isa 61:6). The "(whole) burnt offering," or "holo-
    caust" ('ala), is one in which the entire animal is consumed on the altar (6:20;
    7:21); the "cereal offering" (min"f:za) is a gift offering, typically of grain, flour, or
    cakes (see Note for 14:12).
    the Levitical priests. The expression hakkohanfm halewiyyfm, "the priests,
    the Levites" ( = the Levi ti cal priests), appears in Deuteronomy (Deut 17 :9, 18;
    18:1; 24:8; 27:9; cf. S. R. Driver 1913: 101) and other literature earlier than Ne-
    hemiah (Josh 3:3; 8:33; Ezek 43:19; 44:15). It need not, therefore, be taken as
    an archaism by someone writing in the postexilic period. Peake points out that
    making the Levitical priests coextensive with other priests was in conformity
    with Deuteronomic legislation (Deut 17:9, 18), something no longer recog-
    nized in Nehemiah's time.
    all the days. On this expression, see Note for 31:36.

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