Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

618 Index of Authors

224, 228, 249, 251, 257, 260, 264, 272,
277, 279,280,286,291, 295, 339, 353,
356, 357, 364, 365, 384, 385, 389, 397,
457,458, 468, 486,490, 502, 503, 504,
510, 516, 532, 533, 536, 545, 551, 586,
King, Martin Luther 135, 472
King, P. J. 124, 136, 230, 249, 262, 430,
493, 506, 507, 552
Klausner, Joseph 172, 175
Klein, Ralph W 167
Kloner, Amos 137, 491, 492
Knauf, E. A. 264
Knights, Chris H. 570, 573, 576
Knudtzon, J. A. 320
Koch, Klaus 326, 584
Kohler, Ludwig 113, 291
Kooij,A. van der 129, 305, 313, 314, 315,
Kooij, G. van der 195, 205, 248
Kopf, L. 318
Kraeling, Emil G. 502, 508, 510
Kramer, Samuel Noah 437, 606
Krafovec, Joze 226, 316, 368, 470
Kraus, Ham-Juacliim 179, 180, 304, 320,
322, 331, 332, 334
Kselman, John S. 407
Kuenen,A. 247, 261, 266, 305, 315, 322

Lactantius 482
Lambdin, Thomas 0. 602, 603, 604
Lambert, W G. 174, 175, 590
Lang, Bernhard 312, 313
Lauterbach, Jacob Z. 209
Leene, Hendrik 455, 456
Lehmann, Manfred R. 493
Leichty, Erle 583, 598
Lemaire, Andre 586, 603, 607
Lemche, Niels Peter 561
Lemke, Werner E. 201, 315
Lesko, Leonard H. 271
Levenson, Jon D. 579
Levey, Samson H. 172
Levin, C. 466, 486
Lewis, A. 602, 603
Lewy, Julius 560
Lindars, Barnabas 413, 437

Lindblom, Johannes 182, 204, 205, 213,
228, 257, 340,434, 504
Lindstrom, F. 125
Lipinski, Edward 190, 197, 443, 548
Livy 505, 565
Loader, J. A. 187
Lohfink, Norbert 370, 380, 385, 466, 596
Lombardi, Guido 437
Long, Burke 0. 215
Lord, David N. 544
Loud, Gordon 372, 401
Lucas, Alfred 603
Luckenbill, Daniel David 249, 263, 264,
Ludwig, Theodore M. 372, 445
Lund, Nils W 421
Lundbom,JackR. 94, 122, 123, 147,
148, 154, 178, 193, 223, 238, 254, 288,
292,293, 335, 339, 347, 348, 363, 369,
371, 379, 380, 382, 394, 414, 449,451,
454, 471,484, 548, 570, 571, 582, 583,
586, 590, 598
Luria, Ben-Zion 298
Lust, Johan 165, 537, 540, 544, 545,
Lys, Daniel 328, 329

Macalister, R. A. 262, 29), 437, 554
Malamat,Abraham 99, 130, 131, 136,
162, 196, 217, 308, 336, 340, 358, 565,
590, 591
Malbim 561
Mandelkern, Solomon 219
Marcion 480, 482
Marconcini, Benito 466
Martens, Karen 314
May, HerbertG. IOI, 224, 225, 226, 228,
230, 249, 264, 324, 325, 334, 396, 397,
Mazar, Benjamin 136, 490
McCarter, P. Kyle Jr. 538
McCarthy, Dennis J. 565
McKane, William 97, 103, 112, 113,
114, 115, 128, 130, 149, 150, 154, 155,
157, 161, 165, 166, 167, 171, 181, 187,
190, 191, 193, 196, 197, 200, 204, 205,
22~229, 230,231,233,234,235,23~
241, 242, 243,250, 256,257,258,259,
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