Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

Books, Monographs, and Articles

Abramsky, Samuel
1967 "The House of Rechab" in E. L. Sukenik Memorial Volume. [Hebrew
with English summary] Ed. N. Avigad et al. Eretz-Israel 8. Jerusalem:
Israel Exploration Society. Pp. 255-64, 76.
Abrego, Jose Maria
l 983a "El Texto Hebreo Estructurado de Jeremias 36-45." CuadBib 8: 1-49.
l 983b Jeremias y el Final del Reino. EAT 3. Valencia: lnstituci6n San Jeronimo.
Ackroyd, Peter R.
1968 "Historians and Prophets." SEA 33: 18-54.
1972 "The Temple Vessels-A Continuity Theme" in Studies in the Religion
of Ancient Israel. VT Supp 23. Leiden: Brill. Pp. 166-81.
Aharoni, Yohanan
1982 The Archaeology of the Land of Israel. Ed. Miriam Aharoni. Tr. Anson F.
Rainey. London: SCM Press.
Aitken, Kenneth T
1984 "The Oracles against Babylon in Jeremiah 50-51: Structures and Perspec-
tives." TynB 35: 25-63.
Albrektson, Bertil
1994 "Translation and Emendation" in Language, Theology, and the Bible
[Essays in Honour of James Barr]. Ed. Samuel E. Balentine and John Bar-
ton. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pp. 27-39.
Albright, W. F.




"Researches of the School in Western Judaea." BASOR 15: 2-11.
"A Supplement to Jeremiah: The Lachish Ostraca." BASOR 61: 10-16.
"The Oldest Hebrew Letters: The Lachish Ostraca." BASOR 70: 11-17.
"Ostracon No. 6043 from Ezion-Geber." BASOR 82: 11-15.
"The Lachish Letters after Five Years." BASOR 82: 18-24.
"The Hebrew Expression for 'Making a Covenant' in Pre-Israelite Docu-
ments." BASOR 121: 21-22.
"Dedan" in Geschichte und Altes Testament [F estschrift fiir Albrecht Alt].
BHT 16. Ed. Gerhard Ebeling. Ttibingen: Mohr (Siebeck). Pp. 1-12.
"The Nebuchadnezzar and Neriglissar Chronicles." BASOR 143: 28-33.
Archaeology and the Religion of Israel. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Originally 1942.
"Some Comments on the 'Amman Citadel Inscription." BASOR 198: 38-
Alexander, James Edward
1879 Cleopatra's Needle: The Obelisk of Alexandria. London: Chatto &

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