Cognitive Science and the New Testament A New Approach to Early Christian Research

(Axel Boer) #1

status system 176
stress,seememory, and stress; ritual, and
superstitious conditioning 41, 125– 8
sweat ceremony 112
synapse,seeneuron, synapse
synaptic cleft,seeneuron, synaptic cleft
synchrony 19, 104–6, 154, 178
syntax,seeWernicke’s aphasia

tedium effect 19, 154
teleological reasoning 18, 32, 34
temporal lobe 57, 148, 150, 158, 160– 2
Tertullian 127
Apology 127
thematic roles 114– 15
Theodosius (emperor) 209
theological incorrectness 136
theory of interpretation 2–3, 90, 210– 11
Theory of Mind (psychological system) 32–4,
58, 60, 168– 71

simulation theory 168– 71
theory theory 168
Thessalonians (First Epistle to) 96,
184, 209
Thutmose III 72
Titus (Epistle to) 182
Tobit (Book of ) 170, 184
tours of heaven 155–8, 163–5, 214
trolley problem 166– 7

visual cortex (primary) 56–7, 162
visual pathways (in the brain) 54, 56
von Neumann, John 99

weak ties (social) 177, 189– 91
Weber, Max 107, 123
wedding (Christian) 116n
Wernicke’s aphasia 57
women 7, 38–9, 60–1, 97, 101, 139,
181 – 2, 190

264 General Index

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