The Week Junior - UK (2022-06-11)

(Maropa) #1

11 June 2022 • The Week Junior 7

Uttar Pradesh, India
Women news team marks 20 years
A newspaper in north India run entirely by women is
celebrating its 20th birthday. Founded in 2002, Khabar
Lahariya’s team of women journalists from poor towns and
villages in the countryside has won awards for its news
reporting. The newspaper was the subject of a recent
documentary film called Writing with Fire.

Campaigner wins international award
A Pakistani activist has become the first winner of a new
prize for helping women get the health products they
need. Tanzila Khan, who is 31 years old, was presented
with the first ever Amal Clooney Women’s Empowerment
Award in London. Khan has also turned her experience as
a wheelchair user into a comedy film called Fruit Chaat.

Chittagong, Bangladesh
Firefighters battle container blaze
In Chittagong, a port city in south-eastern Bangladesh,
firefighters struggled to put out a massive fire that started
in a depot where shipping containers were kept. Many
of the containers held dangerous chemicals, making it
difficult for the firefighters. When The Week Junior went to
press, 41 people had died, including nine firefighters.

Saqqara, Egypt
Ancient treasures found
Hundreds of coffins, mummies and
statues have been unveiled after
they were discovered at Saqqara. The
village was once part of a necropolis
(big cemetery) for the ancient Egyptian
capital, Memphis. The find includes
250 painted coffins containing
mummies, as well as 150 bronze
statues. They will be displayed at the
new Grand Egyptian Museum, which
is due to open later this year.

Winners sell trophy
The winners of the 2022 Eurovision
Song Contest, Kalush Orchestra from
Ukraine, have sold their trophy to
raise money to help the Ukrainian
military in the war against Russia.
The crystal microphone trophy was
sold for £712,000, which will be used
to buy equipment. Oleh Psiuk, who is
the leader of the band, told the BBC,
“We’re trying to support our country,
not with only words but with actions.”

Around the world

Some of the

A rescue team
at the depot.

A Khabar Lahariya
reporter in a village.


Tanzila Khan
gets her award.
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