Biography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda and the Origins of Modern Yoga

(Tina Sui) #1

Index 235

Perfume Saint. See Gandha Baba
physical culture
and Bishnu Ghosh, 121
Indian forms of, 205n37
and modern yoga, 128– 133, 160
and Yogananda, 17, 93, 113, 126,
136– 146, 149
postural yoga, 3– 5, 7, 9– 10, 19, 133, 188,
193n2. See also āsana
and Bikram Choudhury, 182– 184
taught by Yogis in America, 45, 47
and Vivekananda, 41, 130
and women, 54– 55
and Yogananda, 126, 129– 130, 136,
140– 143, 147, 158, 189, 207n8
Poyen, Charles, 67
and Kriya Yoga, 135
and Nikola Tesla, 56, 80
and Vivekananda, 56, 76– 78,
80– 82, 199n51
and Yogananda, 86, 171– 172, 174
prāṇāyāma, 51, 71, 81, 93, 114, 134, 146
pūrṇa kriyā, 134
Puységur, Marquis de, 65, 67

quantum physics, 59– 60, 64, 80,
82– 83, 86– 88
Quimby, Phineas P., 144, 205n40

race, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 32, 47, 53, 55, 128,
179, 187, 194n41
radio, mental, 83– 84
Raja Yoga (1896), 40, 42, 58, 76, 80
rāja yoga, 21, 152, 203n2
Rama Tirtha, Swami, 99, 101, 156
Ramacharaka, Yogi, 12, 39, 49, 120,
131–132, 135, 174. See also
Atkinson, William Walker
Ramakrishna, 39– 41, 99, 101, 120,
159, 160

Ranchi school, 102, 105, 109, 120, 136,
141– 143
Rashid, Mohammed, 105– 106
rationalism, 6, 57, 59, 178
reincarnation, 72, 173– 174
resurrection, 123, 162, 170, 171– 175
Rice, Anne, 61
Rishi. See ṛṣi
ṛṣi, 22– 23, 26, 45, 152

Said, Edward W., 13– 14
Śaiva, 24, 25, 26, 28, 92, 209n41
samādhi, 40, 94, 123, 146, 162, 166, 173,
175, 177, 180
Sāṃkhya, 61– 62, 76– 77, 86, 171,
174, 197n10
Sandow, Eugen, 137
Sarbacker, Stuart Ray, 7, 23, 176
śaśaṅgāsana, 142
Satyananda, Swami, 102– 105, 121, 164
and accounts of Yogananda, 93,
96–100, 119, 136, 139– 140
and Kriya Yoga, 134
Satyeswarananda, Swami, 101, 105,
119, 120, 121, 134, 136,
157, 159
and Autobiography of a Yogi, 170, 173
and Mesmerism, 67– 68
metaphysical religions and, 59– 60
and rationalism, 57, 178
and theories of ether, 63, 83– 84
and Theosophy, 71– 72, 77
and Vivekananda, 74– 82
yoga as, 10, 92, 118– 119, 145– 148,
151– 152, 158
and Yogananda, 86– 88
and Yogis, 3, 12, 186– 188
science fiction, 186– 187
The Science Of Religion (1925), 102, 110,
126, 203n2
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