
(Sean Pound) #1
Powerfully stretches your hamstrings while your leg
is straight and turned out—in preparation for the
same muscle action in the final pose

Take a wide stance with your feet parallel to one
another. Turn your left foot out, making sure your
feet are lined up, left heel to right arch. Place your
right hand on your right hip, and extend your left
arm out in front of you. Firm your legs and bend
forward, pushing your chest forward and your
thighs back. Reach your fingertips down to the floor
or to a block in front of you. Once your fingertips
are grounded, keep your legs straight and rotate
your left leg externally as you move your left
fingertips behind your foot (to the floor or to a
block). Lift your right arm up to the sky. Keep your
legs strong, and elongate your body in all directions.
Breathe, and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the
other side.

Uthitta Trikonasana

Extended Triangle Pose

set your intention and

spring into movement...

Yoga Pilates Yogalates Barre
Teacher Training & Retreats
Byron Bay Sydney Bali Europe

Postgraduate Certification
Philosophy & Physiology Workshops


Wellbeing Retreats
move release reset
Heart of Bali ~ Europe

Learn to balance from your core with

Nourish your spirit by embodying strength,


An intellectual movement system that interfaces
with eastern and western Science and Philosophy

“Recognised as experts fusing Asana,
Core stability and Function by Yoga Australia”


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