
(Sean Pound) #1
On an ex
gliding of your shoulder blade along your ribs, enabling the back of your left rib
cage to spiral open and your spine to follow along. While your sternum revolves
toward the floor, you can rotate your pelvis up toward the ceiling to intensify
the opening in your lower back.

On an inhalation, raise your right arm overhead. Rotate your spine and rib cage
toward the ceiling along with your arm. Let the front of your rib cage open.
Continue to reach out with your right hand and turn your palm up toward the
ceiling to intensify the chest opening and upper-body stretch. Repeat the
spiralling motion 1–3 more times slowly.

Move into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) for a few
breaths. Switch legs, and repeat the sequence on the other side.

OUR PRO Karin Gurtner is the founder and principal educator of art of motion and
the developer of Anatomy Trains in Motion. Learn more at art-of-motion.com.

Join world class teacher trainer Mel Mclaughlin in 2019
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