
(Darren Dugan) #1
You have to try everything
10 times before I can accept
you truly don’t like it

one-pan sausage pasta
SERVES 4-6 (plus 1-2 lunches)

750g sausages, skin removed and meat formed
into tiny polpette (mini meatballs)
1 onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tbsp fresh oregano, chopped
Salt and pepper
250g short pasta
1 can crushed tomatoes
1 500ml jar passata
1 cup mozzarella, grated
2 cups parmesan, grated
½ cup water
1 can measurement milk
to serve
4 slices mozzarella
1 burrata or buffalo mozzarella
1 bunch rocket
Salad dressing from the fridge hack section (see page 140)
1 tbsp fresh oregano, chopped
Lemon zest and grated parmesan

You can pretty much assume my recipes require an oven on
180°C. This is because I have three kids (above, from left, James,
Beau and Winter) and the oven can do things without requiring
attention like a needy stovetop. So when I can, food goes in there.
I did start this on the stove but, relax, it’s a one-pan wonder.

  1. Fry the sausage meatballs in hot oil, in a large ovenproof pan
    with a lid. Brown them off for a bit and then lower heat and add
    the onion, garlic, oregano and some salt and pepper.

  2. In a mixing bowl, combine pasta, canned and bottled tomatoes,
    grated cheeses, water and, this looks gross, but the milk as well.

  3. Get all this back in the pan and chuck a lid on it. Put it in the
    oven for 45 minutes. Try not to check it – but do it anyway
    because we don’t know each other that well yet. It will bubble
    and steam and eventually arrive at al dente. Take it out when
    you can happily eat a centre piece of pasta.

  4. Scatter the mozzarella slices and burrata on top, then put
    the lid back on.

  5. Toss a salad together (don’t complicate things... you really only
    need leaves and dressing). Serve the pasta, sprinkled with fresh
    oregano, and the salad on the table, with a drizzle of oil, maybe
    some fresh lemon zest over the top and some extra parmesan.
    (Don’t be angry that nobody is speaking. It’s their way of saying,
    “Thank you and we love you”.)

138 / Inside Out

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