
(John Hannent) #1

How discomfort can contribute to business growth. By Michelle Nicklin

Leap of faith

Te acher zone


t times in my business life as a yoga entrepreneur I
have suffered short term fear, doubt and even anxiety.
These emotions and their repercussions can be very
limiting in the short term. However, there is evidence
to suggest that as long as they stay in the short term,
they may not be necessarily a bad thing.

“You will either step forward into growth, or you will step back
into safety” - Abraham Maslow

If you were asked what your number one business goal is, what
would it be?
If you said you wanted to make £25,000 this year and I asked
you to aim higher and go for £50,000 would you start to feel
uncomfortable? Would your blood pressure start to rise higher than
usual or would your palms become sweaty?
In my experience, one of the biggest obstacles to succeeding in
business or achieving what you want in life is setting the bar too low.
Most people don’t like feeling uncomfortable and as soon as they’re
required to step it up a notch, self-doubt creeps in, it turns into fear,
and they retreat.

I have found that in order to reach my goals, there must be
discomfort, otherwise I just stay where I’ve always been. But,
equally, I know that feeling of being about to jump in and feeling

Making the jump
I am fortunate to spend my time encouraging people to train
to teach yoga and now pilates too. I am also speaking to more
people about owning their own franchised studio too. Both of these
decisions are life-changing in many ways (the latter being the biggest
jump obviously); three people have already made this hugely positive
I see the process people go through: from the initial idea to the
stages of seeing themselves in the new role, to actually putting the
chain of events into action that need to happen. At most stages
there is discomfort at some level.
But, actually, I don’t see discomfort and doubt as a negative.
When you come up with a new, big idea, it will not be in harmony with
your existing way of thinking and will create a conflict internally.
Your mind/body will move into a new sphere inside and if you
don’t understand what’s causing it, it will create fear and you’ll want
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