
(John Hannent) #1


ere at OM, we’re always looking for great new yoga
spaces and The Retreat, situated in the sculpture
park, Sculpture by the Lakes in Dorset, is exactly that.
The park is set in 26 acres of beautiful countryside
interspersed with monumental sculptures by leading
contemporary sculptor Simon Gudgeon.
The location has been described as one of the most beautiful
sculpture parks in the UK – and now it’s as much a destination for
yogis as it is for art lovers and garden enthusiasts.
Yoga instructor Nicky Friend fell in love with the place when she
visited earlier this year, soaking up its quiet charm.
It got her thinking: “Why not organise a day retreat that
allows people to enjoy deep yoga practice in these tranquil and
inspirational surroundings?”
And so the idea for the Sculpture by the Lakes day retreats
was born.
Friend has been running day-long events this summer with more
dates lined up for this month (see details below).
The yoga courses take place in a new building at the park, ‘The
Retreat’ (pictured). It’s a unique venue with a private lake and river
views, and the perfect spot to experience all the peace of the park
whilst discovering the joys of yoga.
Friend, who’s been a yoga teacher since 2002, teaches a fusion
of styles based principally on sivananda but also incorporating
elements of ashtanga, jivamukti and hatha.
She takes her yoga practice seriously, but her warm personality
means that her classes are a fun experience for all.

The next yoga workshops take place on:
Wednesday 10th October, 2018
Saturday 13th October, 2018
Visit: sculpturebythelakes.co.uk

Sculpture by the lakes

om beginnings om beginnings

Blissful yoga days at a beautiful outdoor arts venue

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