
(John Hannent) #1

om body om body


Bed Yoga

Yoga that you can do in bed! For days when you

feel tired, or perhaps if you are not feeling well or

recovering from illness, try these gentle somatics-

based strengthening exercises with Barbara Gallani.

You will need a rolled-up blanket to use as a support.





  1. Bicycles
    Bend the knees, place the feet on the bed and slide your rolled-up
    blanket under your lower back. Bring one knee at a time into the
    chest, gently squeezing the abdomen. Replace the foot onto the bed
    and repeat with the other leg. Alternate the legs for 5-20 repetitions.
    This exercise is good to engage the lower abdominals and hips and
    gently massage the lower back.

  2. Legs Up
    Slowly raise both legs so they are vertical with the soles of the feet
    towards the ceiling. Try and get as much length in the back of the legs
    as possible. Bring the legs together and hold the pose, gently drawing
    the toes towards you to really lengthen the back of the legs. You can
    hold this pose for up to 10 minutes or even longer, perhaps reading a
    book as your legs strengthen.
    2. Foot lifts
    Place both feet down on the bed. Now lift the soles of the feet, one
    at a time from the mattress just an inch or so. Repeat with the other
    foot and alternate the feet for up to 15 minutes. Make the movement
    as small and slow as possible. This will gently strengthen your lower
    4. Butterfly
    Take the blanket away to the side. Take the feet to the mattress. Bring
    the soles of the feet together and let the knees fall out, releasing any
    tension in the groin. Place the hands on the lower abdomen. You can
    increase the stretch on the inside of the thighs by using the weight of
    your blanket on your inner legs. Stay in this pose for up to 10 minutes.
    When you are done, bring the hands underneath the legs to help you
    lift the knees back together.

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