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5 reasons you should try power yoga. By Rita Cox

#3 It is for everyone
Power yoga is safe to practice, even for beginners. The only thing
that you have to do is listen to your body. The more you know about
your own body, the better. It is not embarrassing to skip a vinyasa
and no one will judge you if you cannot twist your body around. Just
practice your own yoga. Your teacher is your guide who will offer a
sequence and ways to approach it, but it is ultimately up to you how
you perform it. If you’re not sure about certain things, have a chat to
your teacher before class and ask for alternatives. Never lie about
your injuries otherwise it’s harder to get support along the way. Also
listen to the cues; don’t just make up your own version of it (we
all do it from time to time!). It’s important to practice safely, which
means that you know your limits.

#4 It is easy to understand
It speaks the same language as most of us. Yes, you’ll find some
uttkatasana, bandhas, pranayama and namaste, but ultimately it is
easy to follow because it breaks from the very traditional teaching
method. It is Westernised for us, so we can all get hooked. You also
do not have to be a yoga guru or familiar with any language or
culture to get going (although it certainly offers you the option to
delve into the more spiritual side). In order to practice yoga you only
need you!

#5 Side effects = happiness
It might seem an overstatement, but power yoga is addictive and
makes a lot of people happier. After a class I always feel joy whether
I am teaching or taking the class. It empowers me. You have to feel it.
It provides you with a satisfaction that you have done some exercise,
worked on your posture, taken time to look after your mental health
and given yourself a boost towards a growing self-confidence, all at
once. Happiness and health come from within. A healthy life starts
with a healthy mind and a healthy body.

Power yoga styles, including vinyasa, ashtanga, rocket, acro, and
others, might not be your thing but it is well worth the try at least
once. Then you can decide if you like it or not based on your own
experiences and not based on another’s opinion. Your re-ignited
inner fire is just a class away.

Rita Cox is the founder of Power Your Yoga (poweryouryoga.co.uk)


hen I went to my very first yoga class I found
myself sitting on my backside more than when
I was a student attending lectures. Ten years
later, I went to a power yoga class for the first
time...and I walked out on fluffy clouds and
bursting with energy.
That was it! I fell in love with yoga! That was the moment I realised
yoga is meant for me, I just had to find the right style – and, for me,
that meant power yoga.
I’m not saying that gentle yoga does not have its benefits or that
you should stop doing it. However, as with anything, variety is also
key. If you do the same thing over and over again, your body gets
fatigued and will plateau.
There may also be some resistance to more dynamic yoga styles.
Typical excuses include: “I am not strong enough”, “I am not flexible
enough” or “I can’t even touch my toes”.
But strong and powerful yoga styles are just as valid as more
gentle ones. We have become a ‘sitting society’ and therefore need
a variety of movements to undo all that computer time that we are
getting through work, social media platforms, shopping and so on.
Here are five reasons why you should give power yoga a go:

#1 It is super fun
Yes, it’s simple, but power yoga can be a lot of fun. With a fun or
quirky teacher, you can laugh while you flow. Building strength and
stamina will be just as uplifting as spending time with your friends.

#2 It is energising
You will be walking out of your power class full of beans! You might
dislike your teacher and the whole world while you are doing it, but
after that you are ready to really do the things you always wanted.
It’s a good time to jot down plans and make decisions because your
brain and your nervous system are in the normal functional range
which provides mental clarity. Your sympathetic (fight or flight mode)
and parasympathetic (normal breathing and organ function, along
with the right level and mix of hormones, such as cortisol) nervous
system are balanced. The sequenced postures, along with the
controlled breathing, also build endurance and strength to provide
stability in your joints.


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