Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

soda or a bottle of vitamin-enhanced water. Then return to your work refreshed
and ready to continue.


indifferent; showing lack of interest


indifference; lack of interest
Note: Another decodable word:

It’s a pathetic thing to be apathetic.
“They found the cure for apathy, but no one showed any interest in it.” —George


tip; peak; summit; way up there
Note: This word is likely to be found in the analogy section.
Its opposites are words such as nadir and bottom.
The ape exercised by jumping off the apex of the monkey house.


to soothe; placate (think: apeace; see ASSUAGE)
He appeased his parents by eating a piece of slimy okra.


the head of a fish
Just checking to see if you’re still awake.


chosen at random or without apparent reason
If a college rejects you, just assume its admissions process is arbitrary.


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