Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

Dan was distraught. He knew he’d soon have to declare his candidacy for local
dogcatcher. He knew he was devoid of charisma and not a dynamic speaker. He
wasn’t even dexterous at catching canines. Doubtless, he would debase himself
by speaking like a fool.
Trying to appear dauntless, he shambled forward, but alas he demonstrated a
dearth of enthusiasm.
“Ahem,” he began, but was deterred from continuing when he noticed that a
devious Great Dane was rapidly depleting his audience by devouring them.
Feeling that this devastation might detract from his speech, Dan’s thoughts were
thrown into sudden discord, and he felt a drastic need to defenestrate himself.
Using himself as a decoy to get the beast’s attention, he demurred, “Ummm . . .
please stop!” People discerned his foolishness.
Later that day, a supporter disparaged Dan’s speech. “It was rather desultory.
Divers diverse rumors have been disseminated that he is depraved. We’ll have
trouble deluding the public into believing the contrary.”



to enlighten; educate
Ed defied the edict against education by trying to edify his pupils.


to erase; rub out
Be sure to completely efface any answer circle you wish to change.


exhilaration; joy
The jolly mountaineers found elation on high elevations.


based on experience rather than theory
I have empirical evidence to suggest my second empire will flourish; my first
was wildly successful.


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