Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1


vivid; explicit
In another sequel to his dinosaur movie, Steven Spielberg left out the prehistoric
beasts and kept all the violence, titling the film Graphic Park.


unnecessary or unwarranted
Adding gratuitous sex and violence to this book has been the best thing about
writing it.

Lesser-Known Adventures of the Three Billy

Goats Gruff

The three Billy Goats Gruff met in the green grass near the bridge.
“I’m really scared of that gruesome troll,” Billy Goat 1 said, gesticulating
toward the bridge.
“I heard her gourmet appetite includes a grisly taste for goats’ hooves!” BG 2
added nervously. “I really don’t like gratuitous violence.”
“Cowards!” BG 3 gibed. “I don’t listen to nongermane gibberish that only
gullible fools like you would believe. I bet that troll is really a cool gal. Watch
me cross that bridge!”
“You have a grandiose opinion of yourself, but you’re really pretty dumb. So
long, bud,” Goat 1 replied, anticipating the graphic goat-mutilation horror that
soon followed.



overused; trite
The plot of the movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was hackneyed. It was just
another horror movie about an axe murderer who hacked knees off.


holy; sacred

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