Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

The Homily

The handsome young priest was preparing his sermon, and he needed advice
from the hairy old pastor.
“I gotta give a good talk so I can move up in the church hierarchy,” he
explained. “Can you help me?”
“You speak on hallowed ground,” the pastor began, “so be not haughty. A
good public response to your sermon will be a harbinger of your advancement.”
The priest worked all night, searching for hackneyed expressions and
heartwarming verses. But when dawn came he just said, “Oh, the heck with it.”



destroyer of tradition
When the pope decided that celibacy should no longer be required of the clergy,
protesters outside his window yelled “Down with the iconoclast” while the pope
screamed, “I cannot last.”


characterized by ignominy


dishonor; disgrace
They suffered an ignominious defeat.
He couldn’t bear the ignominy of getting a 600 on the SAT.


to make wet; to saturate; to inspire
If you imbibe the meanings of all these words, you will be imbued with wisdom.


about to occur; impending
Note: Don’t confuse imminent with eminent, which means “famous.”
I’m in entertainment and my curtain call is imminent.

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