Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

Samantha, Larry, Manek, Michael, and Paul were traveling incognito in the
indigo-colored bus. They had reached an impasse in their indomitable attempts
to think of sentences for the I’s.
“Hey, Manek, do you have any ingenious ideas for ‘inscrutable,’ you inept
fool?” Larry inquired.
Manek’s face remained impassive. “You know you’re just inciting me to
anger with your insipid questions. If you continue this impropriety, I’ll become
“Are we to infer that you are questioning Larry’s impeccable integrity by
implying that he acted in an idiotic manner?” Paul interjected ingenuously. “I’m
sure he couldn’t stand the ignominy.”
“If you all don’t shut up, I’ll be forced to impale you,” Samantha shouted.
“Our incontrovertibly insatiable desire to help students is failing!” Larry
“But what, ho!” Manek exclaimed. “I believe our destination is imminent.”
So the bus stopped and they got off, continuing to argue incessantly.


There are no important words that start with J.
Tell that to the 12,789 words in that section of the dictionary.

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