Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1


lukewarm; somewhat warm
(Did you ever try the one where you put a sleeping person’s hand in tepid water
and . . .)
Tom’s tea was tepid, so he nuked it in the microwave.


concise; free of superfluous words
This verse is terse.


to prevent from taking place; challenge
“We must thwart the wart,” the dermatologist decided.


long and vehement speech
The department store owner gave the police a tirade when he discovered he had
been the victim of a tie raid.


betrayal of trust; traitorousness
When Treach left his rap group Naughty by Nature to embark on a solo career,
the group called him treacherous.


fear of the number 13
If you have triskaidekaphobia, you’ll always skip questions numbered 13 on the
SAT. (This word won’t be on the test, but you should use it as often as possible.)


to shorten by chopping off the end
The elephant’s trunk was truncated when his friend ate his trunk.

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