Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1
B)  an  exploration of  the religious   and moral   ramifications   associated
with a proposed technological development.
C) a general discussion intended to acquaint the reader with a new
D) an expression of opinion.

(Question   Type:   Main    Idea)

2 The first paragraph is best described as

A)  descriptive.
B) introductory.
C) argumentative.
D) conciliatory.

(Question   Type:   Structure)
You’ve been writing essays for a while now. Think about it: What do first paragraphs usually do?

3 The word “detractors” in line 22 most likely refers to

A)  farm    implements.
B) critics.
C) supporters.
D) pet owners.

(Question   Type:   Vocabulary  in  Context)

4 According to the passage, one of the specific problems associated

with    the process is
A) a freeze-dried pet attracts viruses.
B) the lack of qualified individuals to perform the task.
C) freeze-dried pets are not shatterproof.
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