Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1
a man may not be a vocational theologian, but in his home he must
be the resident theologian. The apostle Paul, when he is urging
women to keep silent in the church, tells them that “if they want
to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home” (1
Corinthians 14:35). The tragedy is that many modern women
have to wonder why the Bible says they should have to ask their
husbands.... a husband must be prepared to answer his wife’s
doctrinal questions, and if he cannot, then he must be prepared to
study so that he can remedy the deficiency.^5

We think of a prophet as one who proclaims Gods truth. He is first
and foremost one who hears from God so that he can proclaim the truth
accurately. A husband who would attempt to speak on God’s behalf
should tremble at the assignment. After all, false prophets in the Old
Testament were stoned. The New Testament warns us to “be diligent to
present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to
be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15, NASB).
He establishes a doctrinal foundation for his home.We live in an age
when doctrine is viewed negatively. You may have heard preachers say,
“You don’t need doctrine, you just need Jesus!” Doctrine is viewed as
rigid, stuffy, boring, divisive, and almost antithetical to the cause of
In truth, there is no understanding of the Scriptures or of who
Jesus is without some understanding of theology and doctrine. When
talking with a friend who was “down” on doctrine, I asked simply,
“Who is this Jesus in whom you claim to believe?” Puzzled by such
an obvious question, he said, “He’s the Son of God, the Savior of the
world!” “No, no, no,” I protested. “I don’t want theology! Don’t give
me that doctrinal stuff! Just tell me who Jesus is!”
The point quickly became obvious to my friend. Whenever we
express basic truths of the Christian faith, we are dealing with doc-
trine. Theology is a word that literally means “the study of God.”
Rather than ignoring theological and doctrinal issues, dismissing them
as foolish or unnecessary, a husband should find himself wrestling
with the issues raised in Scripture and should determine for his wife
and his family what is right and true.


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