Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1

one of the keys is confronting sin in your mate. But we are reminded
in Proverbs that the wounds of a friend are faithful (Prov. 27:6). If our
goal is the glory of God, happiness in marriage will at times need to
take a back seat to the higher calling of helping our wives—our sisters
in Christ—to be conformed to Christ’s likeness.


We have seen how a husband is called by God to be both prophet and
priest to his wife. Now we come to the discussion of the husband as king.
Because of the many ways this subject has been abused by well-mean-
ing but ill-informed Bible teachers, we need to proceed with caution.
Those of us who live in a democracy may think of a king as some-
one who wields power and who enjoys privilege and position. For
example, we Americans can see the British royal family as having no
real responsibilities other than the ceremonial, and leading a life
where any material need is fulfilled on command. From American
shores, it appears as the ultimate in selfish indulgence.
In ancient Israel, however, though the kings were wealthy their
function was much more than ceremonial. In their quarrel with the
prophet Samuel over their desire to be ruled by a king, Israel said, “there
shall be a king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, that our
king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles”(1 Sam. 8:19-20,
NASB, emphasis added). Author Dan Allender expands that idea:

The king led, protected and provided for the safety of the realm.
He secured the infrastructure necessary for civilization. He justly
applied the law of God to the government, commerce and care of
the state.... The king was not only a warrior, but he also was the
representative of the realm in conversations with the “world.” He
planned strategies, negotiated alliances, and applied the word of
God to daily conflicts.... In so doing, he became the one who took
the truth of God into the world and invited unbelievers to know
and bow before the God of Israel.^7

Those are the same responsibilities God has assigned to a hus-
band. He is to lead his wife. He is her provider. He is her protector.

The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King 109
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