Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1





C. J. Mahaney


It was his magnum opus, the best and most important work he had
ever conceived. In his lifetime, this prolific and gifted composer
would write more than a thousand songs and hymns. Raised a prince,
the son of a legendary king, and now a great king himself, he would
be esteemed—by no less an authority than the very Word of God—as
the wisest man who had ever lived. Now, this man of unsurpassed
wisdom and exceptional creativity had completed his greatest song, a
song above every song he had ever written or ever would write. King
Solomon finished the final manuscript, set down his pen, and
reviewed with satisfaction the fitting title: “Song of Songs.”
It was about sex.
It was, more specifically, an explicit and unblushing celebration
of sexual relations under the covenant of marriage, of unbridled,
uninhibited, joyous immersion in passionate acts of physical love
between a husband and wife. And one day, the lyrics to this song
would be counted among the perfect and infallible words of
Scripture, inerrantly inspired by the Holy Spirit and intended by
God as a primary source of guidance for mankind until the return
of the Son.

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