Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1

11 Teaching Manhood to Men Robert Lewis


Never—in nearly thirty years of pastoral ministry—have I experi-
enced a more fruitful, productive, life-changing ministry with men in
the local church!
It’s a program we call Men’s Fraternity, and it has revolutionized
our church from top to bottom, and even moved us as a body toward
greater influence in our community. We now have many men who
believe they have what it takes and are equipped to accomplish signif-
icant ministry in their work, in their community, and even around the
Most gratifying to me, though, is the impact of Men’s Fraternity
on individuals. I have seen men come alive as they involve themselves
in the lives of other men. Take Harry, an older gentleman in our
church who had severe health problems. Once I went to see him in
the hospital, and from his bed he told me that his health had declined
after he had retired. “You know, I just don’t have anything to live for,”
Harry said.
I thought, Wow, Harry is in our church and he thinks he has nothing to
live for? What’s wrong with this picture?Harry was an outstanding busi-
nessman and his marriage was strong.
“Harry, that’s just not true; we can use you at church,” I told him.

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