Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1

more valuable, and the weaker person is devalued, for “might makes
right.” In this view, God is not viewed as a Trinity but as one person
who is all-powerful. Often God can be viewed as a harsh, unloving
warrior God, as in a common Islamic view of Allah, as well as in a
number of tribal religions. In this perspective, since “might makes
right” and the weaker person is viewed as inferior, the relationships
between men and women get distorted. Men begin to act as brutes
and they treat women as objects. This view dehumanizes women.
Whereas the “No Differences” error most significantly results in the
destruction of men, the “No Equality” error most significantly results
in the destruction of women.
Within marriage, the idea that there is no equality in value
between men and women will lead to polygamy and harems. There
is no concern to value women equally, for “might makes right” and
men are stronger. This view also leads to female infanticide, because
people prefer to have boys. With regard to children, men who reject
masculine responsibility to care for their families will support and
encourage abortion. Within the family, if there is no equality in value
before God, men will have all the power, and women and children
will exist simply to serve them. Within the realm of sexuality, the “No
Equality” error results in rape and other violence against women.
The chart also shows how this viewpoint works out in religion,
where religion is advanced by violence and force (as in militant forms
of Islam). The view that there need be no equality of value between
persons results in the destruction of people who have less power or
less authority, so authority is abused as a result. Within sports, this
view will lead to violent harm to opponents, and even to gladiators
fighting to the death. (The increasing popularity of violent and harm-
ful wrestling programs on television is a manifestation of this ten-
dency.) As far as criminal justice, this view will lead to excessive
punishment and dehumanization of criminals (such as cutting off the
hand of a thief, or putting people to death for expressing different reli-
gious beliefs). There will often be little outward crime in the society,
but on the other hand there will be little freedom. As far as private
property is concerned, there will be slavery and dehumanization of the


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