Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1
chapters by Jones and Heimbach in Wayne Grudem, ed., Biblical Foundations
for Manhood and Womanhood.

  1. There was an amusing but very revealing suggestion for a new title to the book,
    Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus,in the CBE publication Mutuality:In
    an imaginary conversation in a bookstore, the writer suggested that a better title
    for a book about men and women would be, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from
    Venus, but Some Men Are from Venus and Some Women Are from Mars, and All of
    God’s Children Have Both Mars and Venus Qualities Within Them, So Why Not Just
    Say that Men and Women Are from the Earth, and Let’s Get About the Business of
    Developing the Unique God-given Mars/Venus Qualities that God Has Given All of
    Us for the Sake of the Kingdom(article by Jim Banks in Mutuality[May 1998], 3).
    What was so revealing about this humorous suggestion was the way it showed
    that egalitarians seem to feel compelled to oppose any kinds of differences
    between men and women other than those that are purely physical.


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