Contents 0 5.
6 In/Out
You write, we respond
12 Quick Start
Big news, small articles
20 Head2Head
This month: Surround-sound headphones
24 WatchDog
Maximum PC takes a bite out of bad gear
58 Ask the Doctor
All your PC problems, solved
61 How To...
This month: Create a magical family portrait
66 In the Lab
A behind-the-scenes look at product testing
96 Rig of the Month
It’s amazing what a person can do
with a PC!
78 Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
80 Knights of the Old Republic 2:
The Sith Lords
81 The Sims 2 University Expansion Pack
81 CH Products Throttle Quadrant game controller
Is this thing really
a keyboard?! p. 15
Is this thing really
a keyboard?! p. 15
Is this thing really
a keyboard?! p. 15
y dad gave me some advice when I was a
kid. “Be careful what you wish for,” he said,
“because you just might get it.”
I’ve thought of that advice many times over the
past few weeks as I’ve pondered my role as editor in
chief of Maximum PC. As I said in my first column [“I
Am the Firestarter,” March
2005], I never got over the
unmitigated joy of writing
for this magazine. And the
more time I spent in meet-
ings, tending to details, and
performing the administra-
tive duties that a manager
is tasked with, the more I
realized how little time I was
spending playing with the
latest tech gear, talking with
vendors about developing
trends and new products,
and writing.
As much as I thought
I wanted to be editor in
chief of this great magazine,
I’ve come to realize that
while being at the top of
the masthead has been an
honor, it wasn’t delivering
the sense of professional accomplishment I’m looking
for. So I am relinquishing the title of editor in chief
and stepping into the role of executive editor, where
I’ll be able to do more of what I dig about being a jour-
nalist: benchmarking hardware, evaluating software,
celebrating the best products the tech industry has to
offer—and mercilessly disparaging the rest.
The editor in chief’s job is unquestionably the most
important position at any magazine. This is the person
who is responsible for setting the magazine’s editorial
direction, for deciding which stories and products are
worthy of coverage, for honing the magazine’s edge,
and for keeping the rest of us on our toes. It gives me
great pleasure to inform you that beginning with the
very next issue, that position will be filled by Maximum
PC ’s current executive editor, Will Smith.
Will brings supreme tech savvy, excellent leadership
skills, and unshakable integrity to the job. He’s going to
make a fantastic leader.
68 Desktop PC: Falcon Northwest Mach V
70 Hard drive: Western Digital Caviar 3200JB
70 DVD burner: LG 16x Super Multi
73 Portable scanner: OptiSlim M
73 Drum sim software: Acoustica Beatcraft
74 PC enclosures: Asus Vento 3600 Gaming Case ;
Thermaltake Armor VA8000SWA
75 DVD burner: BenQ LightScribe DVD ReWriter
75 Headphones: Ultrasone Proline 750
76 Digital cameras: Epson L-500V; Fujifilm
FinePix E550; Sony Cyber-shot DSC-M
Mobo expert Gordon Mah
Ung outdoes himself with
this in-depth cover story on
the most important compo-
nent inside your PC. Page 34
Whether you’re into over-
clocking or just hate the
noise of whirring fans, Josh
Norem’s water-cooling fea-
ture is a must-read. Page 48
It’s not often that an entirely
new category of technology
is created. This one is either
going to be an important
new development in game
technology, or a colossal
joke. Page 14
Be Careful What
You Wish For
with 5.1 sound?!
p. 20
Western Digital Caviar 3200JB
Asus Vento 3600 Gaming Case ;
BenQ LightScribe DVD ReWriter
Epson L-500V; Fujifilm
Asus Vento 3600 Gaming Case ;